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How is concept “society” represented by Hobbes and Locke

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How is concept “society” represented by Hobbes and Locke




Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are two prevalent social contract theorists whose viewpoints on human nature and the social contract are slightly different. These viewpoints lead readers to visualize how society is formed, but they are rooted in the different angles viewed on human nature. While both Hobbes and Locke observe a similar problem that people have desire, Hobbes suggests that the full of fear must be introduced and limit people’s desire in order to form society while Locke proposes that society can be formed under the wills of people and it can be controlled under the hands of people.
Hobbes and Locke take different perspectives on human nature, which make a distinction between Hobbes’ and Locke’s process of how men take a step forward to the formation of society. Hobbes believes that men are born to be equal in their capacities either physically or mentally as he writes, “[nature] hath made men so equal in the faculties of body and mind” (Hobbes 74).

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How is concept “society” represented by Hobbes and Locke
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