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Logistics outsourcing decision making is something that many companies and organizations face and have to consider in trying to do business in the most profitable and effective way. Logistics outsourcing may have many benefits for a company, but can also have a negative impact on the company if it is not managed properly.

The decision to outsource logistics functions may not always lay in the hands of the person originally taking the initiative to outsource, which might pose some difficulties. In other cases it might be a team effort to take the initiative and make the final decision. The strategies used differ from organization to organization. In this paper we will look at these different strategies.

We will start of this paper by presenting the methods we have used when conducting this study in chapter two. Then we will present some relevant theories from current literature in the field that can be useful to know when discussing this subject, in chapter three. In chapter four we will present the study itself and our own analysis of the results of the study, which we will tie together with the presented literature. In chapter five, the conclusions are drawn based on the analysis to the empirical findings. Moreover, some suggestions for future research are presented.


1.1 Purpose
1.2 Aim
1.3 Scope
3.1 Defining concepts
3.2 Reasons for outsourcing
3.3 Outsourcing to a TPL
3.4 Decision-making in organisations
3.5. The importance of top management involved in logistics outsourcing
4.1 Brief introduction to the case companies
4.2 Decision making process regarding outsourcing



Logistics outsourcing decision making is something that many companies and organizations face and have to consider in trying to do business in the most profitable and effective way. Logistics outsourcing may have many benefits for a company, but can also have a negative impact on the company if it is not managed properly.

The decision to outsource logistics functions may not always lay in the hands of the person originally taking the initiative to outsource, which might pose some difficulties. In other cases it might be a team effort to take the initiative and make the final decision. The strategies used differ from organization to organization. In this paper we will look at these different strategies.

We will start of this paper by presenting the methods we have used when conducting this study in chapter two. Then we will present some relevant theories from current literature in the field that can be useful to know when discussing this subject, in chapter three. In chapter four we will present the study itself and our own analysis of the results of the study, which we will tie together with the presented literature. In chapter five, the conclusions are drawn based on the analysis to the empirical findings. Moreover, some suggestions for future research are presented.

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