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Great Gatsby, 위대한 게츠비

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Great Gatsby에 대한 영문 Critique 입니다.
실제로 레포트로 제출해서 A를 받은 자료입니다. 참고 하시면 도움이 많이
되실 것 같습니다.


American dream and historical meaning
The meaning of Green light
The meaning of American dream in the Great Gatsby


American dream and historical meaning
‘American dream’ in the American literature has been existing with its history. American dream in terms of literature viewpoint is defined that America is some sort of paradise so called ‘New Eden’ that is the ideal world before Adam and Eve became depraved so America was regarded as the nation of opportunities that everyone can achieve their goals if they do their effort and new world that freedom and equality are actualized. These belief and hope for opportunities were became the foundation of early American dream and they had some kinds of belief about ‘bright future’. However, middle of the 19th, because of radial industrialization and confrontation of north and south the image of “nation of freedom” was degenerated. Dramatic development with radial industrialization always accompany with serious social problems, these problems are gradually degenerated the pure meaning of “American dream.”

참고 자료

F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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