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포스트모던 작품 마왕, the erl king 분석 및 감상문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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포스트모던 작가인 안젤라 카터의
마왕 the erl king의 감상문과 작품 분석입니다.


Ⅰ.Summary & Report




⦁The Erl-King lives by himself all alone in the heart of the wood in a house which has only the one room. His house is made of sticks and stones and has grown a pelt of yellow lichen. Grass and weeds frow in the mossy roof. He chops fallen branches for his fire and draws his water from the stream in a tin pail.
⦁Eyes green as apples. Green as dead sea fruit.
Your green eye is a reducing chamber. If I look into it long enough, I will become as small as my own reflection, I will diminish to a point and vanih. I will be drawn down into that black whirlpool and be consumed by you. I shall become so small you can keep me in one of your osier cages and mock my loss of liberty. I have seen the cage you are weaving for me; it is a very pretty one and I shall sit, hereafter, in my cage among the other singing birds but I - I shall be dumb from spite

The Erl-King is at harmony with nature. Every animal seems to obey him. He cooks with weeds and fungi, and makes cheese from his goat`s milk. A house is typically a symbol of civilization, but the Erl-King`s house attracts and blends in with the nature around it. His roof has grown a pelt of yellow lichen and grass and weeds grow in the mossy roof. His very eyes embody the death-in-life quality of the woods. They are both as green as apples and as green as dead sea fruit. Even though they are the color of life and growth, they are dead. Nature cooperates with the Erl-King. If nature is deathly in the story, then the Erl-King is death`s ruler. The Erl-King and the nature around him represent the standing order of things in the narrator`s universe. In the reality of the woods, he is the dominating male and she is the submissive female whom he traps.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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