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영어에세이 - 한국음식과 이탈리아음식 비교 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영어 프리젠테이션 스크립트 연락주시면 관련 ppt자료도 드려요




1. Hello? My name is Han Jae-soon. I`m going to talk about Korea and Italy. Please concentrate my presentation, even if you guys already familier about it. So please act as if you didn‘t know. I`m sure it is more excite whatever you know . Let the good times begin! Where is Korea? It`s too easy. Right here. Then where is Italy? Italy is located in the Mediterranean area of Southern Europe.

2. It`s a long way from Korea to Italy. it seems that it has something in common although it is different as far as long distance. Let`s look at how many similarities and differences are they. The title is "Korean food , Italy food and fusion."

3. This is previews. At the first, similarity is color, Mandu and Tortellini, Ramen and Spaghetti, Pickled radish and Gherkins, Using garlic. Second, is difference is Chilli and Tomato, Meal composition, Staple, The last one,is fusion cuisine. It means famous fusion menu.

4. Let`s check about similarity. First, color. Can you guess what kind of color I want to say? That is Red!! Because chilli powder and tomato is used frequently on each foods. For example, Korean food are Tteokbokki, Kimchi jjigae, Pork bulgogi, sundubu jjigae........ Italian food are tomato spaghetti, pizza, risotto, lasagne....... Once, start to list, there`s no end to it.

5. Second, mandu and Tortellini. mandu is made with dumpling skin and bun stuffing, Tortellini is kinds of pasta. Recipe is very similar to mandu. Maybe these foods have similar taste with tortellini. But I`m not sure. Because I have never eaten tortellini.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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