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Violent Children: The Extreme Victim of the Media

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미디어와 사회 영어강의 시간에 쓴 텔레비전 폭력성과 아이들의 관계에 관한 레포트 입니다.
A-받은 자료 입니다.


1. Introduction

2. The effects of the media violence – The short-term effects
2.1 Imitation of Behaviors, ‘Trigger Effect’
2.2 Insensitive Effect
2.3 Catharsis
2.4 Behavior Learning
2.5 Instant formation or alteration of behaviors

3. The effects of the media violence – The long-term effects
3.1 Prolonged Trigger Effect
3.2 Abnormal Super-ego
3.3 Generation of Fear
3.4 Physiological Habit
3.5 Anesthesia

4. Conclusion

5. References


In 1994, according to Parents` public-opinion census, the most of Americans – 87% of the informants thought that the media have too much violence. (Diamant, 1994) The violent images in media are always overflows in our world. The probability of certain programs showing at least one act of violence is more than 60 percent. (National Television Violence Study: NTVS, 1999) Depicting violence in television and films is an extensive phenomenon which appears all over the world.
Many people think that the media is certainly responsible for high crime rate and violence because media`s violent message are heckled by critics. We must wrestle with the media violence problem even though the mass media exists. And when the advent of new media attracts people`s a interest, the exposure of media violence and criticism for violence are rising. As the media named ‘television’ come into wide use for most of American family in 1950s, the criticism for media violence is spread across the country.

참고 자료

곽진희 [Jinhee Gwak], 《A Study on the Violence of Media in the Era of Digitalization(2004)》, 파주 [Paju]: 한울[Hanul]
최이정 [Leejeong Choi], 《The Media Violence(2006)》, 파주[Paju]: KSI Co,. Ltd (Korean Studies Information)
하종원 [Jongwon Ha], Potter, W. James, 《The 11 Myths of Media Violence (2006)》, 파주[Paju]: 한울 [Hanul]
G. A. Comstock, 《Television and Film Violence(1985)》, in Apter & A. Goldstein(eds.), Youth violence: Programs and Prospects, New York. Pergamon,
Victor C. Strasburger, Barbara J. Wilson, 《Children, Adolescents and the Media (2002) 》, Seoul: Communication Books
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Violent Children: The Extreme Victim of the Media
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