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설명하는 말하기 영어 발표 자료 (How to make Kimchi)

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설명하는 말하기 영어 발표 자료 (How to make Kimchi)


step1.Dissolve the 3 tablespoons salt in the water
step2.Put the cabbage into a large bowl
step3. Weigh the cabbage down with a plate
step4. Drain the cabbage, reserving the brine.
step5. Remove the brine bag, and cap the jar tightly


today i`ll tell you how to make a Kimchi.
Here are some ingredients for it.
First, dissolve the 3 tablespoons salt in the water.
Be careful, too much salt cause too salty Kimchi.
Second, Put the cabbage into a large bowl and pour the brine over it.
Third, weigh the cabbage down with a plate. Let the cabbage stand for 12 hours.
Be cautious, too long time cause too salty kimchi and too short time cause flat kimchi.
Until now, we prepared salted Kimch.
Next, how does it put together others.?
To start with, drain the cabbage, reserving the brine.
After then, mix the cabbage with the remaining ingredients.
Next, Pack the mixture into a 2-quart jar.
finally, Let the kimchi ferment in a cool
Taste it!
How to make Kimchi
Makes about 1 1/2 Quarts.
3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon sea salt
6 cups water
2 lbs. Chinese (Napa) cabbage, cut into 2-inch squares
6 scallions, cut into 2-inch lengths, then slivered
1 1/2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger
1 cup of minced garlic

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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설명하는 말하기 영어 발표 자료 (How to make Kimchi)
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