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최종 저작일
13페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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아르헨티나의 문화, 경제, 역사, 한국과의 관계등을 조사한
영문 리포트 입니다.


1. Culture of Argentina
2. Politics of Argentina
3. Economy of Argentina
1)Korean Enterprises in Argentina
2)Major industry
3)Future expectation in Industry
4. History of Argentina
5. Relation with Korea
6. Possession of Falkland Islands


A country of southeast South America stretching about 3,701 km (2,300 mi) from its border with Bolivia to southern Tierra del Fuego, an island it shares with Chile. Argentina is one of the most highly developed Latin American countries, with an economy based both on agriculture and on diversified industry. It proclaimed its independence from Spain in 1816. Buenos Aires is the capital and the largest city. Population, 27,947,446.
Argentina`s many .amous monuments, May Square, scenic Bariloche, Iguassu Falls. Luoshige Arif Benito national parks, Iguazu the most width of more than 40 meters, of the world`s most wide series of waterfalls, Aconcagua Mountain is the highest in the world an extinct volcano.

5. Relation with Korea
1) Diplomatic relations between Korea and Argentina
After diplomatic relations were first established in February 1962, has supported in the UN and cooperated in other international organizations, supporting in matters related to disputes in the peninsula while maintaining a traditionally friendly cooperative relation. At present, the number of immigrants (includes residents) is approximately 25,000. Our Korean compatriots are concentrated in the neighborhood of Flores (Bek ku), Avellaneda and Once. They are distributed in three areas of the city and they enjoy an upper middle class living standard. Koreans are mainly working in relation to the textiles and clothing business and are concentrated around Avellaneda Avenue. 43 years after the immigration and given the importance of studies and education, the 1.5 and 2nd generation members are being educated in local high schools.
2) Trade relations between Korea and Argentina
The foundations for economic and trade cooperation links were laid through active accomplishments in the first exchanges of visits of relevant authorities in the 1990s and later on, through a growing exchange of visits of important personalities, through the conclusion of different agreements and by me

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