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무기화학에 관한 논문




Synthesis of polyesters is generally achieved by a polycondensation reaction.
A close-up of a 100% Polyester shirt.
Structural formula of a general ester group ((RCOOR`).
Polyester is the most widely used manufactured fiber in the United States. These include bed sheets, bedspreads, curtains and draperies. Polyester fiberfill is also used to stuff pillows, comforters and cushion padding. Polyester fabrics sometimes have a "less natural" feel when compared to similarly woven fabrics made from natural fibers, e.g., cotton. However, polyester fabrics may exhibit other advantages over natural fabrics, e.g., improved wrinkle resistance. As a result, polyester fibers are often spun together with natural fibers, e.g., cotton, to produce a cloth with blended properties. Polyesters are also used to make bottles, films, tarpaulin, liquid crystal displays, holograms, filters, dielectric film for capacitors, film insulation for wire and insulating tapes.
Liquid crystalline polyesters are among the first industrially used liquid crystalline polymers. In general they have extremely good mechanical properties and are extremely heat resistant. For that reason, they can be used as an abradable seal in jet engines.
Thermosetting polyester resins are commonly used as casting materials, fiberglass laminating resins, and non-metallic auto-body fillers.

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