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Argument Research Paper(Abortion in Korea)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 6,300원 할인쿠폰받기


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On July 31, 2008, the Constitutional Court in South Korea made a decision that would lead to a heated argument among many South Koreans. The Constitutional Court ruled that the 1987 provision, in medical law outlawing fetal gender identification is unconstitutional. In addition, the court decided to leave the law in force to prevent confusion from a legal vacuum until a revision is made by its deadline of Dec 31, 2009 (Song 1).
Traditionally, Korean society has maintained a male dominant atmosphere because the basic idea of society is based on Confucianism, which regards the male’s role as more important in society and the household. Because of this, it is an undeniable fact that fetal gender identification during pregnancy is openly practiced even though it is illegal. Unfortunately, it is inevitably linked with abortion and causes

Pregnancy is propitious and a joyous present to many couples all over the world. However, in Korea, their valuable present is at the point of crisis. Many people must recognize controversial issue. The result is obvious when fetal gender identification is allowed in South Korea; ftal gender identification will cause high ratestions, and will also bring about an imbalance in sex ratio in Korean society again. all, it is clearly a cruel act that takes away an unborn baby’s life who never had a chance to shine. An unborn baby’s right shou pregnant woman`s right to know her unborn baby`s sex and the freedom of medical professionals to conduct

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  • 워드파일 낙태 (Abortion) 8페이지
    However, if someone reads this research paper ... In Jabortion from the independence of Korea ... paper.
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Argument Research Paper(Abortion in Korea)
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