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AP US History Unit I Notes -Native American Ancestry

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최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 AP 클래스에서 필기했던 내용의 노트입니다.
Unit I의 수업내용을 담고 있습니다.
글씨크기가 8pt 라서 꽤나 많은 내용을 담고 있습니다.
총 13 페이지 입니다.


I. Discovery and Settlement of the New World
A. Native American Ancestry
B. European Exploration
1. Causes
2. Portugal and Spain
C. English Settlement
1. Factors/early attempts
2. Jamestown
3. Plymouth Plantation
D. French Settlement
II. America and the British Empire
A. Chesapeake Country
B. Growth of New England
C. Restoration Colonies
D. Mercantilism, the Dominion of New England
E. Origins of Slavery
III. Colonial Society in the Mid-18th Century
A. Social Structure
B. Culture
1. Great Awakening
2. The American Mind


Native American Ancestry
Theme: The ancestors of the Native Americans spread across both North and South America. They evolved a great variety of cultures from urban civilizations to seminomadic societies.
-Can not please the gods>sacrifice; high ranking priest
-Olmec: statues of Africans from stories; have cities; brought human sacrifice for polytheistic religion; pantheistic for nature; agriculture society
-Next Mayan: cut out hearts; discovered zero-good at mathematics; six inch ball into baskets, but can’t use hands or feet; calendar; populated; constantly at war with each other-like Olmec>brought their end
-Then Aztec-powerful, get tribute, city Tenochtitlan-larger than Paris or London; maize; 10,000 sacrifices a year; last ruler is Montezuma II
Mesoamerica has first records
Inca in South American Andes self-sufficient; polytheistic, pantheistic; roads, Tupoc
-North America-all thriving when the Spanish arrive
-Mississippians in Mississippi Valley: mound builders, buried dead in mounds; large cities, torture, farmers, pottery; great city-Cahokia-13th through 14th century
-Iroquois broken up in revolutionary war
-Indians came over land bridge to America; chasing big animals down to Tierra del Fuego; develop hundreds of languages; Mesoamerica is between the Americas-beginning of history in the Americas: strings, stone, books
-Northwest Algonquin tribes-northeast US-Women run Iroquois confederacy-300 years
East-Hopewell culture has elaborate trade in Ohio Valley
-Huhohakan Southwest US-Anasazi-multi-storied apartment buildings, irrigation; conquered by Spanish

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AP US History Unit I Notes -Native American Ancestry
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