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A Comparison between 1984 and Brave New World: What are Preconditions for Constructing a Everlasting Totalitarian Society

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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소설 멋진 신세계와 1984를 이용해서 전체주의 독재사회를 유지하는 요소들을 분석




An analysis by Social Dominance Theory tells us that the aforementioned similarities between 1984 and Brave New World constitutes key elements for a stable hierarchic society. Social stratification and absence of democracy is a result of humans’ inherent tendency. Mechanism of a group-based hierarchic society comprises of institutional/individual discrimination and behavioral asymmetry along with legitimizing myth. Manipulation of history, discouragement of solitude, and isolation of heretics are to support legitimizing myth, which justifies stratification and despotism. The regimes subtly use fear, hatred, or happiness to infuse behavior asymmetry into people’s mentality. When subordinates begin to accept their inferiority and genuinely express homage to the regime, the totalitarian system is not only supported by the highest class but also by the lowest class; this fact is why group-based hierarchic structures exhibit remarkable stability.

Even though both authors, George Orwell and Arduous Huxley, wrote the both dystopian novels as allegories of different social phenomena, the novels show great similarity to each other. Social Dominance Theory well explains why it is important to construct a totalitarian society and employ many distinctive policies to maintain everlasting stability. Considering that this socio-psychological theory of inter-group interactions and hierarchies was published more than half a century after the two dystopian novels, it is surprising to notice how accurately the both authors described what would totalitarian governments do to maintain their power.

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A Comparison between 1984 and Brave New World: What are Preconditions for Constructing a Everlasting Totalitarian Society
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