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Economic reports Australian and China

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Economic reports Australian and China


1. Executive Summary
2. Part A - Comparative Snapshot of Australia and the countires of Greater China
3. Part B – Economic Development of China, India and Australia
3.1. Real GDP Growth
3.2. Inflation Rate
3.3. Money Supply Growth
3.4. Sectoral Shares
3.5. Population Growth
3.6. Exchange Rates
3.7. Current Account Balance
3.8. Component of Aggregate Demand (C+I+G+NX)
4. Part C - Critical Analysis : Australian International trading pattern with China and India
5. Part D - Critical Analysis : Forecast Real GDP Growth by countries
5.1 Real GDP Growth for China, India and USA
5.2 Forecast the number of years to catch up USA for China and India
5.3 Real GDP projection for China and India
5.4 The economic and political implications for Australia
6. Conclusion


1. Executive Summary

This report aims to provide the comparisons between two emerging big countries, which are the second world’s largest economy of China and the fourth largest economy of India , and also give a wide projection of the influence on the Australian economy. This would provide the overview of the economic, political and social situations for three countries of Australia, China, and India divided by indicators with four parts such as demographical, governmental, political and social, those things would be the underlying factors for forecasting future economy.

It also will include identifying the major differences and similarities between China and India. Based on the past data provided by UTS, the forecast would be demonstrated what is going to happen to three countries in international trading. Besides, critical analysis was made with the real GDP data of the two big countries in order to estimate when their economies catch up with USA and shows their fast growing economy with the graph.

With the fast growing economy of China and India, it is evident they are very important international trading partner for Australia, hence Australia needs to observe the economy of China and India and consider them as a big challenge not only foreseeable but also far reaching future.

참고 자료

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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