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호주 의료 시스템에 대한 영문 리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Introduction

II. Information of medical market
1. Health Insurance system
2. Payment method

Ⅲ. A written agrement of Australia-US FTA and Ripple effect
1. A written agreement of FTA between Australia and US
2. Ripple effect

Ⅳ. A written agreement of Korea-US FTA and Ripple effect
1. A written agreement of FTA between Korea and US
2. Ripple effect

Ⅴ. Conclusion

Ⅵ. Bibliography


I. Introduction

Korea-US FTA Free Trade Agreement (자유 무역 협정)
was made on 2 April 2007 after 14 months of the clash of opinions. It is the second FTA which includes medical sector that US has had so far. The first one was Australia-United States FTA which was concluded on 18 May 2004 and started going in to effect on 1 January 2005.
In case of Korea, it might be too early to guess the possible ripple effect because the FTA hasn`t come into effect yet although parliamentary approval was made. But at least we can learn something from the Australian case. So we are going to have a look what kind of changes in medical sector in Australia have been made after FTA with US and consider what Korea needs to prepare.

II. Information of medical market

1. Health Insurance system

There are two types of insurance system in Australia. The one called `Medicare` is run by government with tax and mandatory. Another type is private insurance system.

1) Medical service
Australian payment method is FFS (fee for service). The payment of Medicare is determined case by case, depending on patients, hospital, type of medical service and so on.

참고 자료

1. Thesis (Title/ Author/ Publishing office/ the date of Publication)

(1) 한 • 미 FTA와 국민의료비 지출/ 윤용만 , 최형재/ 한국경제통상학회/ 2008
(2) 2007년 외국의 보건의료체계와 의료보장제도 연구/ 최인덕 외/ 국민건강보험공 단/ 2008
(3) 한 • 미 FTA가 국내 제약산업에 미치는 영향/ 김남기/ 한국EHS평가학회/ 2007
(4) 한 • 미 FTA 협상과 의약품 관리제도의 발전적 개선방안/ 박실비아, 강은정, 박은자/ 한국보건사회연구원/ 2007
(5) 한 • 미 FTA에 따른 국내 제약산업의 경쟁력강화 방안/ 송노섭, 이서영/ 창업 정보학회지/ 2007
(6) 한 • 미 FTA 의약품 분야 협상의 쟁점 및 전망/ 최원목/ 법학논집/ 2007
(7) 한 • 미 FTA가 우리 보건 의료에 미칠 영향/ 박한종/ 문화과학사/ 2006
(8) 한 • 미 FTA를 어찌할 것인가 ; 인간다운 삶을 위해 지켜져야 할 것들 ; 교육, 의료분야 한 • 미 FTA 협상/ 양희선/ 한국노동사회연구소/ 2006
(9) FTA와 우리의 대응 ( 방송, 의료, 교육서비스를 중심으로 )/ 왕상한/ 국제거래 법학회/ 2006
(10) Reference pricing for pharmaceuticals: is the Australia–United States Free Trade Agreement affecting Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme?/ Thomas A Faunce/ 2007

2. Article (Title/ Publishing office/ the date of Issue)

(1) 한 • 미 FTA가 국내 제약산업에 미치는 영향 / LG 주간경제 / 2006. 4. 12
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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