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전기전자기초실험 Oscilloscope and Resonance Circuit 결과보고서

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11페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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연세대학교 전기전자기초실험 3장 결과 레포트입니다.

다른 chapter는 제 박스에서 검색해주세요.

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- Procedure -
6-1. Oscilloscope
6-2. R-C, R-L serial/parallel circuit
6-3. R-C-L serial/parallel response circuit
- Report -


6-2. R-C, R-L serial/parallel circuit

① Set the circuit as shown fig 3-17. Then draw its graph in the following table.

- Differential circuit with square wave & Differential circuit with sinusoidal wave

⑤ Set the circuit as shown in fig 3-19, and modify R to let Lissajous` figure have 45° phase. Measure R at that moment, then calculate inductance L.

⑨ Set the circuit as shown in fig 3-22, and adjust R to let Lissajous figure have 45° phase. Calculate the capacitance(C) by measuring R.

For setting value of inductance 2.2mH, R is measured as 1.601kΩ which makes Lissajous` figure. The theoretical value of R is 1.5923kΩ. So there is error ratio -0.54%.

6-3. R-C-L serial/parallel response circuit
To measure the frequency precisely that Vx=0 (or minimum) and Vx=VR. This is called resonance frequency. As we measured that the value was 10.21[kHz]. It is a little gap with ideal value of resonance frequency. Therefore the difference with theoretical value and experimental value should be happened by the experiment environment and internal resistance of the electric device.

참고 자료

♣ Introduction to Electric Circuits Six Edition [WILEY]
- Richard C. Dorf / James A. Svoboda

♣ Basic Electric Circuit Analysis Fifth Edition [Prentice Hall]
- David E. J. / John L. H. / Johnny R. J. / Peter D. S

♣ 공학 회로 실험 [교보문고]
- 이상렬 / 윤영중


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전기전자기초실험 Oscilloscope and Resonance Circuit 결과보고서
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