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Sylvia Plath Daddy

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문법 완벽합니다. Daddy라는 시를통해 sylvia 실비아를 분석한거에요..블로그에 올렸다가 다시 수정해서 여기다가 올리는겁니다. A 맞았었습니다. 미국유학생이고요.




Sylvia Plath was born on October 1932 in Massachusetts. She published her first book when she was eight years old. According to her biography, Plath experienced a great deal of sorrow during her childhood. Her father, a German immigrant and professor, died due to untreated diabetes a week after Plath’s eighth birthday. Her father was a strict authoritarian. Plath married an English poet named Edward James Hughes. However, their marriage dissolved when Plath discovered that her husband was having an affair so that it might have deeply affected her ego and conscious. Further, the experience likely resulted in intense mental pain. Soon after discovering her husband’s affair, Plath left her husband. In addition, a few months after writing “Daddy,” Plath committed suicide, leaving behind two children. “Daddy” is one of Plath’s most notable poems in which she describes her depression, fear of her father, and anger toward her husband. Through the lens of psychoanalysis, “Daddy” can be interpreted as a representation of Plath’s Electra complex, unconscious murderous anger, and mental illness.

참고 자료

Electra complex. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 26 Apr. 2008 <http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9056792>.
Harrison, Jennifer. The Gift of Madness. Northwestcollege. 6 May 2008 <http://www.northwestcollege.edu/waw>.
Hunt, Olivia. Father/Daughter Relationships in the Poem “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath. 27 Mar. 2007. 2 May 2008 <http://www.articlealley.com/article_139672_50.html>.
Moses, Kate. The Real Sylvia.The International Federation for Psychoanalytical Education. 4 May 2008 <http://archive.salon.com/books/feature/2000/05/30/plath1/index.html>.
Reuben, Paul P. Chapter 10: Sylvia Plath. PAL: Perspectives in American Literature- A Research and Reference Guide. <http://web.csustan.edu/english/reuben/
Plath, Sylvia. The Mercury Reader: “Daddy”. Pearson, 2007. 110-113
TED AND SYLVIA - LOVE AND LOSS. BBC Two. 2 Mar. 2004. 5 May 2008 <http://www.bbc.co.uk/homeground/archive/2004/ted_hughes_plath.shtml>.
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