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[디스플레이] Dichroic Mirror [프리젠테이션, 읽기전용]

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15페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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1. Dichroic Mirror System

2. Field of the Invention

3. Related Background

4. Reference - Wavelength

5. Reference - Pascal

6. Comparative Example

7. Example 1 - Reflect B (450nm)

8. Example 2 - Reflect R (650nm)

9. Example 3 - Reflect B (450nm)


A dichroic mirror comprises a transparent substrate, a dielectric multilayer structure formed thereon. The dielectric multilayer structure includes a main multilayer structure comprised of high refractive index layers and low refractive index layers formed alternately, each layer having an optical thickness of lambda over 4 where lambda is the designed central wavelength, a first transmittance regulating film provided between the main multilayer structure and the transparent substrate, and a second transmittance regulating film provided on the other side of the main multilayer structure. The first and second transmittance regulating films typically have a three or four layer structure of intermediate refractive index layers and low refractive index layers formed alternately. The intermediate refractive index layers have a refractive index lower than but close to that of the high refractive index layers.

참고 자료

Patent No. : US 6,310,729 B1

Date of Patent : Oct. 30, 2001

Inventor : Seitoku Tsukamoto

Assignee : Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[디스플레이] Dichroic Mirror [프리젠테이션, 읽기전용]
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