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[영어리포트][Humanity] 산업혁명의 10대 중요 인물 및 사건 (Industrial Revolution ID)

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산업혁명의 10대 중요 인물 및 사건 (Industrial Revolution ID) 에 대해 각각 200 단어 분량으로 정리해 놓은 자료입니다.


1. Robert Owen (May 14, 1771 – November 17, 1858)
2. Domestic System
3. Henry Bessemer (January 19, 1813 – March 15, 1898)
4. Charles Dickens (February 7, 1812 – June 9, 1870)
5. Factory System
6. Enclosure Movement
7. Eli Whitney (December 8, 1765 January 8, 1825)
8. James Watt (January 19, 1736 – August 25, 1819)
9. Robert Fulton (November 14, 1765 – February 24, 1815)
10. Rudolf Diesel (March 18, 1858 – September 29, 1913)


Robert Owen is a reformer who called for a co-operative society which was a bit too advanced idea for his era. His reforms were basically based on his A New View of Society which was published in 1813 and saying environment had a major influence on characters and berated the church for failing to fight against the evils of capitalism. He became the manager of a Manchester cotton mill by the age of 19, and in 1799, he perceived that workers respond more positively to consideration and kinds than to cruelty, and he began to put reforming idea into real works. He build a model of co-operative community with a school, a day nursery for pre-school children, a playground, evening classes for adults and a shop. In 1817, he started to outline his plan for “co-operative villages”, which is a village that residents would live and work in harmony for a new moral commonwealth. As well, he started to build some model cities for his idea such in New Harmony, Ralakine and Queenswood. However, none of the cities took him any successful result, and he devoted his last of the life to campaigning for a variety of causes. In the deathbed, he realized himself and said “I gave important truths to the world, and it was only for want of understanding that they were disregarded. I have been ahead of my time.”

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[영어리포트][Humanity] 산업혁명의 10대 중요 인물 및 사건 (Industrial Revolution ID)
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