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Enzyme Reactor Design, 효소 반응기 디자인

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
30페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


효소 반응기의 기본 설계와 사례에 대해 조사, 분석


1. Introduction
2. Kinetics of Enzyme Reactors
3. Case Studies
4. Summary


Substrates, enzyme, labor, depreciation, overheads and process development
Building and running the enzyme reactor.

Form of the enzyme / Enzyme reuse
Free or immobilized?
Chemical and physical properties of an immobilization support

Operational requirements
Scale of operation
Need for pH and temperature control
Supply and removal of gases
Stability of the enzyme, substrate and product

Kinetics of Ideal Batch Reactors

Assume the validity of the irreversible Michaelis-Menten reaction scheme for a single substrate with no diffusional control, inhibition or denaturation.
On integrating with respect to time using S0 for initial substrate concentration:
Let the fractional conversion be x, where:

참고 자료

D. I. C. Wang et al., “Fermentation and enzyme technology”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1979)

I. J. Dunn et al., “Biological reaction engineering”, VCH Publishers, Inc. (1992)


A. Illanes et al., “Reactor design for the enzymatic isomerization of glucose to fructose”, Bioprocess Engineering, 7:199-204 (1992)

Q. Gan, “Design and operation of an integrated membrane reactor for enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis”, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 12:223-229 (2002)

A. Illanes and L. Wilson, “Enzyme reactor design under thermal inactivation”, Critical Reaviews in Biotechnology, 23(1):61-93 (2003)

A. Illanes et al., “Design of immobilized enzyme reactors for the continuous production of fructose syrup from whey permeate”, Bioprocess Engineering, 21:509-515 (1999)
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Enzyme Reactor Design, 효소 반응기 디자인
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