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구름 속의 산책 A Walk In The Clouds 영어 감상문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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키아누 리브스 주연이 영화 구름 속의 산책의 영어 감상문입니다.




"Love knows hidden paths."
there is a german proverb. after watching the movie, the saying occurs to me.

In the movie, Paul Sutton meet Victoria Aragon by chance. maybe he never know that he fall in love with her. with beautiful scenery and friendly family people, the young man and the woman are lost in love each other. I think that`s the power of love. anyone doesn`t know that how can we fall in love. only does know `love`.

after watching movie, I want to know where my sweetheart is. I`m ready enough to be loved by a smart fellow, but I unfortunately can`t find my sweetheart yet. it`s my nameless longing. so I`m reading books and studing my major now, because only "love knows hidden path." as long as I apply myself to work, I will be better person. someday I will meet one whom I found like Paul Sutton.

the plot is as following. shortly after the surrender of Japan, marking the end of World War II, United States Army Sgt. Paul Sutton returns to reunite with his wife Betty, whom he married - following a whirlwind courtship - the day before he departed for the Pacific. The war has left him with emotional scars, and he experiences flashbacks on a regular basis.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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