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What are the core elements of the English school’s approach to IR, How, if at all, does it differ from realism

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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국제관계이론 중 영국학회의 핵심요소의 내용을 중점으로 하고,

국제관계이론 상의 현실주의와의 차이점을 쓴 에세이 입니다.

다운 받은 내용 아니라,

처음 부터 끝까지 직접 내용을 쓰고, 번역한 자료 입니다.




The English school is one of the international relationship stud sect and also, the international study is started from the United of Kingdom which has the oldest diplomacy of history and that is reflected from the United of Kingdom’s essential experiments. However, after then, IR discipline’s supremacy status is concentrated positivisms USA who wants to solve proof the international relationship problems. From 1970 until 1980, IR’s agenda is just focused on arguments that are consisting of neoliberalism and neorealism. In 1990, after the cold war, USA’s IR discipline decreased their forces. On the other hand, European countries and other place’s IR scholars are accepted USA’s theory which is not suitable at 1970 with 1980 and also

참고 자료

1) Steve Smith, 1995, "The Self-Images of a Discipline: A Genealogy of International Relations Theory"

2) Booth and Smith ed,『International Relations Theory Today』(The Pennsylvania State University Press), pp. 1∼37.

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What are the core elements of the English school’s approach to IR, How, if at all, does it differ from realism
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