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Protect Yourself from Food Additives

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영문 설득하는 에세이(Persuasive essay)로 식품첨가물에 대해 썼으며, 길지 않은 분량이지만 3개의 참고문헌을 바탕으로 충실히 쓴 에세이입니다. 식품첨가물의 유해성을 중심으로 가공식품 섭취의 문제점을 기술했으며 미국 대학부설 기관에서 연수중 A+를 받은 과제물입니다.




A man who is a former executive of a confectionary company said, “You would rather let your children smoke, if you try to feed your children with processed food.” It sounds shocking, and the fact that he was executive of a confectionary company is also strange. The man whose name is Byung-soo Ahn published a book in Korea, and the book describes hazard of food additives. Why did he have to raise the voice? He got a disease while he worked out new products and tested them because he had to eat processed food containing food additives every day. After he got a disease he quit his job and started to study food additives and the hazard. As the man’s story suggests, we should know hazard of food additives and reduce intake of processed food. I’d like to persuade people who habitually eat processed food check up food labels before purchase. I would especially like to tell the hazards of food additives focusing on the fact that food additives are linked to hyperactive behavior, atopic dermatitis and obesity.

참고 자료

Bever, HP Van & Docx M & Stevens, WJ. (1990). Food additives and childhood atopic
dermatitis. Retrieves Jan. 12, 2008, from Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale. University of Delaware Library.

Gaby, Alan R. (2005) Food additives cause hyperactive behavior. Retrieved Jan. 12, 2008,
from Expanded Academic ASAP. Gale. University of Delaware Library.

Blaylock, Russell L.(1996). Excitotoxins. Retrieves Jan. 14, 2008, from New Target.Com
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Protect Yourself from Food Additives
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